This paper is published in Volume 2, Issue 5, 2017
Agriculture imformation
J. V. D Prasad
Himalayan University, India
Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers
J. V. D Prasad. Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
J. V. D Prasad (2017). Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(5)
J. V. D Prasad. "Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.5 (2017).
J. V. D Prasad. Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
J. V. D Prasad (2017). Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 2(5)
J. V. D Prasad. "Usage of Personal-localite Channels for Acquiring the Agriculture Information by the Tribal Farmers." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 2.5 (2017).
Thus agricultural information management becomes vital, indispensable for the most important partners of agricultural development, i.e tribal farmers. The concept of Agricultural Information Management Behaviour (AIMB) of tribal farmers is gaining significance as they are emerging as a strong force in increasing the agricultural production in the country. Among various sources of acquiring agricultural Information, the personal-cosmopolite channels play a great role in giving valid, reliable and useful information to the tribal farmers. This calls for the study on ‘usage of personal – locality channels for acquiring the agriculture information by the tribal farmers. The methodology adopted was Ex-post facto research design was followed to conduct the study. The state of Andhra Pradesh and the Telangana Region were selected purposefully. The Adilabad district was selected randomly. Out of fifty-two mandals of the district, four mandals were selected randomly. Four villages were selected randomly by selecting one village from each selected mandal. Thirty tribal farmers were selected randomly from each selected village thus total sample constituted One hundred and twenty tribal farmers for the study. The personal localite channels selected for the study are Discussions with family members, Friends, and relatives, Neighbours/fellow farmers, Progressive and experienced farmers of the same village, Local fertilizer dealers. The regularity of contact with these channels was measured on four point continuum i.e regularly, occasionally, rarely and never in terms of frequency and percentages. With regard to the distribution of respondents according to their Information Acquisition Behaviour, the majority of the respondents (48.33 %) were grouped under medium category followed by high (30.83 %) and low (20.83 %) categories. An equal percentage (59.16 %) of family members and progressive/experienced farmers of the same village were the popular personal-localite channels of acquiring information regularly. The majority of respondents (34.16%) occasionally meet local fertilizer dealers where as 31.66% of them acquire information occasionally from progressive and experienced farmers of the same village. Fifteen point eight three percent of farmers rarely contact private friends and relatives followed by local fertilizer dealers. Twelve point five percent of respondents never contacts local fertilizer dealers followed by 5.83 per cent also never contact neighbours / fellow farmers.
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