This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 7, 2018
Deepa Dass
MATS University, Gullu, Chhattisgarh, India
Pub. Date
02 July, 2018
Paper ID
Transition, Emotional intelligence, Need level, Stress resistance.


Deepa Dass. Transition Loss among Adolescents at Secondary Level as Function of Emotional Intelligence, Need level and Stress resistance, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Deepa Dass (2018). Transition Loss among Adolescents at Secondary Level as Function of Emotional Intelligence, Need level and Stress resistance. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(7)

Deepa Dass. "Transition Loss among Adolescents at Secondary Level as Function of Emotional Intelligence, Need level and Stress resistance." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.7 (2018).


The research primarily aims to find out to understand the phenomenon of transition loss of the adolescents transiting from Secondary level to higher/post-secondary level and to identify the extent of the role of emotional intelligence, need level and stress resistance play in it. The research was conducted in the government school of Chhattisgarh of class X, to find the reason of Transition Loss -non-transition of students to class to class XI from class X / The research findings imply that transition does not happen for two main reasons: one for students who are not successful in class X Board examination and the other reason for students not taking admission and non-transition to class XI even after being successful in class X . This is due to due to academic and non-academic reasons. The non-academic reason has a physiological lining. Research findings suggest that emotional intelligence, growth need level and stress resistance have a positive correlation with students success and transition to next grade, whereas transition loss has a negative correlation with emotional intelligence, growth need level and stress resistance. Non-transient students were found to be low in emotional intelligence , need level and stress resistance score.
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