This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 3, 2018
Robotics, Communication
Shukrajit Kamble
Tejas Jadhav, Rohan Gupta, Pavan Waghmare
Dhole Patil College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Pub. Date
29 March, 2018
Paper ID
RF module , All-Terrain Vehicle, RF controlled robot, Rocker-bogie, Wheeled Mobile Robot


Shukrajit Kamble, Tejas Jadhav, Rohan Gupta, Pavan Waghmare. RF Controlled Robot to Travel on Uneven Surface for Space Applications, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Shukrajit Kamble, Tejas Jadhav, Rohan Gupta, Pavan Waghmare (2018). RF Controlled Robot to Travel on Uneven Surface for Space Applications. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(3)

Shukrajit Kamble, Tejas Jadhav, Rohan Gupta, Pavan Waghmare. "RF Controlled Robot to Travel on Uneven Surface for Space Applications." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.3 (2018).


Communication systems play a major role in maintaining communication between humans or organizations or institutions or radio broadcasting programs via wired or wireless communication systems. To overcome disadvantages of wired communications, advancement in technology has resulted in the development of most advanced wireless communication systems including wireless radio frequency technology, infrared technology, GSM technology, and so on. NASA recently started an ambitious exploration program for Mars. Pathfinder is the first rover explorer in this program. Future rovers will need to travel several kilometers over periods of months and manipulate rock and soil samples. They will also need to be somewhat autonomous. Rocker-bogie based rovers are likely candidates for these missions.The physics of these rovers is quite complex. To design and control these, analytical models of how the rover interacts with its environment are essential. Models are also needed for rover action planning. Simple mobility analysis of rocker-bogie vehicles has been developed and used for design evaluation. In the available published works, the rocker-bogie configuration is modeled as a planar system. MATLAB is used for programming. Mankind has long sought improved methods of land transport. In recent years, practical mobile robots have been successfully used in environments such as factories, offices, and hospitals as well as outdoors on prepared surfaces and terrain with minor irregularities. However, reliable mobility on extremely uneven terrain remains an elusive goal for man-made devices.
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