This paper is published in Volume 5, Issue 3, 2020
Pranad Gandhi
United World College of South East Asia, Dover, Singapore, Singapore
Pub. Date
06 April, 2020
Paper ID
Schwarzschild Black Hole, Hawking Radiation, AGN Supermassive Black Hole Database, Mass, Frequency of radiation


Pranad Gandhi. Relationship between the mass of a Schwarzschild Black Hole and the frequency of Hawking Radiation emitted, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Pranad Gandhi (2020). Relationship between the mass of a Schwarzschild Black Hole and the frequency of Hawking Radiation emitted. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 5(3)

Pranad Gandhi. "Relationship between the mass of a Schwarzschild Black Hole and the frequency of Hawking Radiation emitted." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 5.3 (2020).


This research paper aims to understand how an increase in the mass of a Schwarzschild Black Hole affects the amount of Hawking Radiation emitted. To create a hypothesis, a theoretical and mathematical relationship between the two variables was derived. Several physics concepts including Schwarzschild radius, Blackbody Radiation and the Uncertainty principle along with certain reasonable assumptions were used to create this model. The paper used data collected from the AGN Database of Supermassive Black Holes, which was then extrapolated to form graphs to conclude that there is an inversely proportional relationship between the two variables in question with an increase in the mass of a Schwarzschild Black Hole the frequency of Hawking radiation decreases. The paper finds that Hawking Radiation emitted by AGN Supermassive Black Holes correspond to ‘long radio waves’ in the EM spectrum. The paper further examines the assumptions made while constructing the models used for investigating the hypothesis and addresses their impact on the conclusions drawn and data analysis conducted.
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