This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 7, 2018
Dr. Ritamoni Das
Raha College, Nagaon, Assam, India
Pub. Date
31 July, 2018
Paper ID
Degradation, Environment, Awareness, Conservation


Dr. Ritamoni Das. Environment and role of women, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,

Dr. Ritamoni Das (2018). Environment and role of women. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(7)

Dr. Ritamoni Das. "Environment and role of women." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.7 (2018).


Environment consists of the sum total of the stipulation that the individual receives from conception in the mother’s womb to death. The word environment has been derived from the French word ‘Environner’ meaning encircling or surrounding. With the environment, women have a close relationship. Women constitute half of the human capital in the world. In India, they are popularly termed as “Adhi –abadi” of the nation. Mostly in all the courtiers, only women have the primary responsibility for nutrition, child care and household management. In the developing countries, women play a major role as a farmer, animal tender, water and fuel collector etc. They are also active in environmental issues. Women have good knowledge of the use of local flora and fauna like herbal medicines, food, fuel etc. They play a vital role not only in the conservation of natural resources but also make a contribution to the economic development. If we try to find that who are more closely found to related in protection and conservation of the environment, it is the women. In everyday life, they are dealing with the environment. It is in their heart. In the present society environmental degradation is a burning issue. Our environment is degrading day by day because of so many reasons. Women can play a very positive role in the conservation of mother earth. It is a theoretical paper. In this paper women’s relationship with the environment, their role regarding environmental conservation is discussed.