This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 9, 2018
Gogineni Vinutna
Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari
Hillside College of Pharmacy, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Drug utilization review, Respiratory tract infections, Prescribed daily dose, Defined daily dose, Antibiotics
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari. Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari (2018). Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(9)
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari. "Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.9 (2018).
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari. Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari (2018). Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(9)
Gogineni Vinutna, Mallela Babji, Reshma Namburi, Raj Kumari. "Drug utilization study in patients with acute respiratory tract infections at a tertiary care hospital in Bhimavaram, India." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.9 (2018).
Our study was aimed to focus on the trends in the drug utilization in acute respiratory tract infections and also to analyze the current prescription patterns of drugs used in the treatment of acute respiratory tract infections. A prospective observational study conducted in both in-patient and out-patient department of tertiary care hospitals. The institutional ethical committee of Shri Vishnu College of Pharmacy authorized this observational study. After obtaining verbal consent, patient demographics and drugs prescribed data were collected and analyzed. Along with this interaction with the patient was also done whenever required. Data obtained was analyzed using Sigma Graphed prism and Microsoft excel. A total of 150 patients were observed in our study. Of which, males were 54.6% and females were 45.4%. When the patients were classified according to age, children contributed for 4%, adolescents were 15.3, adults were 69.3%, elderly were 11.3% of the total population. Drug utilization of antibiotics can be observed by determining the PDD values of those drugs. PDD is greater than DDD for drugs Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Cefpodoximeproxetil, Linezolid. PDD is less than DDD for drugs Amoxicillin and Azithromycin. PDD is equal to DDD for drugs Moxifloxacin, Ciprofloxacin and Cefixime. Drug consumption value is determined by DDD/1000 inhabitants/day value. The value of DDD/1000 inhabitants/day is high (0.805) for Levofloxacin, followed by Cefpodoximeproxetil (0.177) and is low for Ofloxacin (0.007). In this project, we observed how the drugs are utilized by the physician. Antibiotics are most commonly prescribed for these ARTI’s. Symptomatic relief is preferred in these patients by prescribing antihistamines, antipyretics and analgesics, bronchodilators, Cold and Cough combinations. From this study, it is evident that antibiotics were commonly prescribed in the patients of URTI and is a matter of concern. The highest value of 0.805 DDD/1000 inhabitants/day was accounted for Levofloxacin indicating that it was the popular drug of choice as a broad spectrum antibiotic, followed by Cefpodoximeproxetil with the value of 0.177 DDD/1000 inhabitants /day. Most commonly used antibiotic was Levofloxacin followed by Cefpodoximeproxetil. Prescribing by generic names has to be encouraged.
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