This paper is published in Volume 3, Issue 10, 2018
Oral Surgery and Endodontics
Dr. Shwetha R. S.
Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B.
Government Dental College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Auto transplantation, Schneider’s analysis, Root canal therapy, Periodontal ligament readaptation, Mandibular 3rd molars tooth
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B.. Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B. (2018). Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(10)
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B.. "Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.10 (2018).
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B.. Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology,
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B. (2018). Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series. International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, 3(10)
Dr. Shwetha R. S., Dr. Venugopal S. S., Dr. K. Rashmi, Dr. Sourabh J. Torvi, Dr. Jyoti Talawar, Suganya Guruswamy, Dr. Ranjitha B. B.. "Auto transplantation of a Mandibular Third Molar tooth with immediate root canal therapy: A Case series." International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 3.10 (2018).
Auto transplantation of teeth defines as the movement of a tooth from one place to another position within the same individual. It has been practiced for many years with varying degrees of success in the human race. Auto transplantation of teeth ensures maintenance of alveolar bone volume by physiological stimulation of the periodontal ligament. It requires long-term follow up of both clinical and radiographical evaluations. Auto transplantation includes transplantation of embedded, impacted or erupted teeth from one site into other extraction sites or surgically prepared site of the same person. Auto transplantation has been used to replace missing teeth and teeth with poor prognosis. In our study, we have used schinder’s root curvature analysis with immediate root canal therapy which is an additional tool for both endodontist and the oral surgeon. The newer technique of analyzing root curvature in both transplatation tooth and donor site had a great benefit for the success rate of our study. Root curvature analysis helped in both time management and planning of entire transplantation procedure. Radiographs evaluation showed readopted of periodontal tissue and successful masticatory function of the transplanted tooth.
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